
  • Eva Gajdošova Paneuropean University Author
  • Guna Svence University of Latvia Author




Latvia and Slovakia comparison, resilience, social-emotional health, teachers


The article brings the research results of the teachers´ social-emotional health and resilience in Slovak Republic and in Latvia during distance learning situation. The sample consisted of 800 teachers, 400 teachers from each country, who completed Social-Emotional Health Survey-Teachers (SEHS-T) and Resilience Scale (RS) during months of May through July 2021. The research results showed the highest covitality level of Slovak teachers in comparison with Latvian teachers (p ˂.001, r = .36). There was found a big difference in covitality  in the clue domain Belief in Self in favour of Slovak teachers (p ˂.001; r = .44), there were only average differences in other domains - Belief in Others, Emotional Competence, Engaged Living. Latvian teachers reached high scores in cognitive reappraisal and optimism (p ˂.001). There was statistical difference in the level of resilience between Slovak and Latvian samples (p ˂.001; r = .35).  Slovak teachers scored higher. But the teacher’s resilience in both countries had moderate level. Significant positive strong correlation was found between resilience and covitality in Slovak teachers rs = .76** and in Latvian teachers rs = .66**. Significant high and moderate positive correlations were found also between resilience and covitality domains.


Author Biographies

  • Eva Gajdošova, Paneuropean University
    head of the Institute of School and Work Psychology, Faculty of Psychology PEVŠmember of the Scientific Council of PEVŠmember of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Psychology PEVŠmember of the Board of Directors of the Faculty of Mass Media PEVŠmember of the Board of Directors of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of TrnavaSpecialization : school psychology
  • Guna Svence, University of Latvia
    Today professor Guna Svence has been working at the Riga Stradiņš University at Department of Health Psychology and Pedagogy as  invited professor, and  at the University of Latvia for the last five years, at the faculty of Education, Psychology and Arts, Department of Psychology. Before professor worked at the Riga Teacher Education and Management academy more as 20 years, as dean of faculty of Psychology, study programs` director and researcher. The field of her scientifical interest based on positive psychology. Professor Guna Svence had several books and articles about positive psychology, resilience and well-being, especially about teachers` social emotional well-being.Departament of Psychology in University of Latvia, docentRiga Stradiņš University, guest professor in Departament of Health Psychology and Pedagogy


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