
  • Lasma Reide Riga Stradiņš University Author
  • Una Veseta Riga Stradiņš University Author
  • Agita Ābele Latvian Academy of Sport Education Author



measurement tools, physical activity, self-efficacy, students


Physical activity among adults and adolescents do not meet the recommendations of WHO. Many studies focus on investigation of physical activity in students and the role of self-efficacy as important factor in predicting physical activity behaviour. Aim of the study was to determine the role of self-efficacy in physical activity in students. A literature review has been conducted to determine the self-efficacy measurements in physical activity studies and to determine factors related to self-efficacy and physical activity. Through search in the PubMed database 206 records were identified and 24 articles were included in further analysis. Thirteen studies used the General Self-Efficacy Scale [GSES] to measure self-efficacy level. Two studies considered The Exercise Self-Efficacy scale [ESES] focusing specifically on physical activity. Other studies considered different self-efficacy measurement tools including separate questions about physical activity self-efficacy as part of the questionnaire or survey used in the study. One study focused on emotional self-efficacy measures. Other factors investigated in relation to self-efficacy and physical activity were health beliefs, anxiety, depression, perceived stress, academic behaviour, academic procrastination, academic burnout, emotional intelligence, subjective well-being, Self-control, motivation and addiction, self-esteem, body image, sense of inferiority, and social support.


Author Biographies

  • Lasma Reide, Riga Stradiņš University
    LĀSMA REIDE was born in Riga, Latvia and currently studying in Latvian Academy of Sport Education to obtain pedagogy doctor degree in sport science. Previously she went to the University of Latvia, where she studied psychology and obtained her Masters degree in 2011. She is working in Riga Stradiņš University and giving lectures in field of Psychology and doing research on physical activity. Her interest is in field of psychology and public health and welfare.
  • Una Veseta, Riga Stradiņš University
    UNA VESETA was born in Riga, Latvia and went to the Latvian Academy of Sport Education to obtained her pedagogy doctor degree in sport science in 2009. She is working in Riga Stradiņš University and giving lectures in field of Health Sport and doing research on physical activity. Her interest is in field of public health and welfare. Her e-mail address is:
  • Agita Ābele, Latvian Academy of Sport Education
    AGITA ĀBELE was born in Riga, Latvia and went to The Latvian Academy of Sport Education, where she studied Sport pedagogy and obtained degree in 1986. She continued her studies in The University of Latvia and studied Pedagogy and Psychology and obtained degree in 1996 and 2002. She worked in University of Latvia as a lecturer in Sport pedagogy since 1994, and moving in 1999 to the  Latvian Academy of Sport Education where she is now leading Sport psychology and Sport pedagogy as a professor. Since 2013 she is a President of Latvian Student Sport Federation. Her's e-mail address is:


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